Full Arch Replacement

Do you have a toothless mouth full of gums that you wish was full of bright, brilliant pearly whites? We have an option for you that will replace your missing teeth without having to use removable dentures. Dr. Andrew C. Dreyer offers full arch replacement in Bakersfield, California, that will do the job!

Our team at the dental practice of Andrew C. Dreyer, DDS, MS provides a fixed bridge with dental implants to finally give you the smile and appearance you want. This treatment includes your periodontist first preparing your smile for the procedure. We will then install the implants to replace the tooth roots of the lost teeth. These implants are generally inserted in the front part of the mouth. You will be given temporary teeth while you wait for the implants to heal and bond to the bone. After the implants are healed, your bridge will be securely installed on top of the implants. You will need to come back to the office a few times to make sure it is the perfect fit for you, and if it is not, we will make the proper adjustments. After you have found the perfect fit, you will have a complete smile full of the gorgeous teeth you’ve wanted for so long. These are permanent, fixed teeth that look and function normally.

Are you interested in finally getting your teeth back? Call our office today and see if this is a good option for you!